Crash of TWA Flight 891 - 1959 Near Madrid, Spain

ICAO Circular - Aircraft Accident Digest

In this volume of the ICAO Circular Aircraft Accident Digest, the crash of TWA flight 891 was detailed. 68 people lost their lives in the accident.

"TWA's scheduled flight No. 891/26 took off from Malpensa Airport, Milan, at 1620 hours GMT for Orly Airport, Paris, with 8 regular crew, one extra member and 59 passengers on board. After 15 minutes of flight and while still climbing on the prescribed route (Malpensa - NDB Saronno - NDB Biella} disintegration of the aircraft occurred and it crashed to the ground, from an altitude of about 11 000 ft, near Olgiate Olona. All persons aboard were killed, and the aircraft was destroyed." 

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